His Excellency’s Visit to 10 Fingers Ltd in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

On 18 May this year, Dr Clemente Camenha responded in the affirmative to the call from his mission in India to make a field visit to the company 10Fingers, located in Ahmedabad, in the state of Gujarat, India. 10Fingers is a young and dynamic records management company committed to providing a full-service solution for managing your records and founded in 2009 by a team of young software enthusiasts. 10Fingers has recently set up a state-of-the-art records management center near Ahmedabad, which is the next big step towards achieving the goal of becoming a leading provider of records management solutions.
In his capacity as ambassador, Dr. Clemente Camenha, the Angolan diplomat in India was given a warm welcome by Mr Homi Gajarawala, co-founder and CEO, Mr. Kush Vankani, co-founder and CEO, and the staff.
The visit focussed on the possibility of establishing two major projects in Angola involving the information technology and oil sectors.

Initially, 10Fingers has a large package of Cloud services, e-governance, document digitization, document management systems, and physical records management services that government institutions may need and, on the other hand, 10Fingers manufactures a chemical product used by oil companies to separate water, gas and oil after drilling at the bases and the entity intends to bring the projects to Angola to set up a factory to start manufacturing this special chemical product for oil companies and at the same time generate jobs.

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